The Mean Marine is a comic/cartoon character created by Andy Sutton, Nick Link, and Charlie Alger in 2005. I posted this due to recent activity on my other blog
Photoshop Battles.If your already a fan of The Mean Marine
check this out.
During the 1950's and 60's during the space race several countries sent monkeys into space. These monkeys were assumed lost in space. The truth is that these monkeys inhabited the subterranean caves of Mars. Here they evolved into super monkeys, waiting to enact their revenge on earth.

During World War 3 America's greatest hero The Mean Marine was ambushed and blown into pieces. After losing America's greatest hero The United States fell to foreign powers and was laid to waste for generations.

In the year 2 million the Martian Monkeys came back to earth, killing all in they're path. There were very few survivor, but among these few there was a scientist. This scientist invented a time machine before the monkeys attacked. He used this time machine to go back and get The Mean Marine. The only problem is he went to the wrong time and could only get The Mean Marines ravaged body.

The scientist brought The Mean Marine back to life, but without a cost. Some of his parts were missing so they were replaced. His legs now tank treads and his arms now guns The Mean Marine became the perfect monkey killing machine. Now The Mean Marine is man kinds only hope against these monkeys bent on world domination.
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