As the end of the year approaches I want to share things that were great from this year. I will be posting my favorite albums and movies of 2008 in the coming weeks. I love to read good books. Unfortunately I didn't get very much reading done while I lived in Kalamazoo. Now that I'm in New York and have to ride the train an hour or so a day I get a lot of reading done. As you can see I read classics,comics, Kurt Vonnegut, and books which people make into movies. As far as the movie books go I've read ever one of them before I've seen the movie, so I feel pretty good about that. So here they are in no particular order.
The Giver
By Lois Lowry

A tale of a futuristic society where people have no memories and can't see in color. Imagine having the weight of the world on one person, you. I love the descriptions when he learns to see color. I didn't know right away that's what was happening, or that they couldn't see color. It's a classic and I loved it. Everyone should read this book.
Still Life With Wood Pecker
By Tom Robbins

I've obviously been on a huge Vonnegut kick this year. I was told if I enjoyed Vonnegut so much I had to read this book. It's absolutely correct. This book was amazing. I t had everything you could want in a good story, princesses, bombers, pyramids, ufos, sex, and the moon. Tom Robbins has interesting philosophies express in this book. Plus if you smoke Camels you'll really learn to appreciate the package design after reading this book.
The Sirens Of Titan
By Kurt Vonnegut

Weary space travelers, martian armies, dogs in outer space what else could you ask for out of a good Vonnegut book. I believe this was his second book. Even this early in his career it is obvious he is a genius among men. This out-of-this-world adventure is unlike anything I've ever read before. I don't want to give it away, but the very last line of this book blew me away. Kurt does that to me. I'm sure if you keep reading you'll see that that's a pattern with me and his books.
Man With Out A Country
By Kurt Vonnegut

This was Vonnegut's last book (while still alive.) It's amazing at the very least. This may have been the easiest read I've ever had. I read all 130 or so pages in less than three hours. The man had me hooked. This book is basically just an old man giving up on his country. He is fed up with the current state of the America and doesn't mind expressing it here in this book. It's also hilarious, Kurt has a great sense of humor which shines here at the end of his life.
God Bless You, Mr Rosewater
By Kurt Vonnegut

At the end of most Vonnegut books I read I feel like he giving a big middle finger to God. In this book I feel our hero is God. This story is basically about a millionaire who loves people and helps then with there problems. The thing I love most about Vonnegut's books is the way he ties so many characters together. Each and every one is important in some way to everyone in the story. Another absolutely amazing read from Kurt.
Cat's Cradle
By Kurt Vonnegut

I used to think all of Kurt Vonnegut's books were about the end of the world. It's not an unreasonable thing to think. Especially if you read this book. I think this was the first Vonnegut book I read this year. What can I say it got me hooked. The last line of this book blew me away as well. All the characters in this book work together so well. It's to bad people don't write books like this anymore.
Armageddon In Retrospect
By Kurt Vonnegut

Okay okay this is the last of Vonnegut book I've read this year. This is also his very last book published posthumous. He covers some things that are also in Man Without A Country, but he's dead he can't write anything new. This is an amazing look back at one of Americas greatest writers.
By Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons

What a great novel this is. I like to stray away from calling this one a graphic novel. The writing is amazing. This book has been made into a movie which will be released next year. They better not mess it up. The comic panels from this could be used as the storyboards for the film. This was a great story with great illustrations, it was right up my alley.
Batman: The Long Halloween
By Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale

If you've known me for longer than 10 minutes you probably know I love Batman. This comic was great. I love this adaptation of Two-Face. It was very interesting to read after seeing The Dark Knight this summer. The thing I love about Batman is you can choose what Batman you like. He ranges from Campy to very dark. This was a nice dark rendition.
By George Orwell

Another futuristic society book. I've read this one in the past, but it was for a high school class and I didn't get it as good as I should have. In the technology driven world we live this book makes you absolutely frightened. Orwell really hits the nail on the head in his statement on modern society. This book makes me want to crush my phone and live in the woods.
Marley & Me
By John Grogan

This is the only book that has ever made me cry, honestly. I love dogs and i miss my dog terribly. This book is the most heartwarming tale I have ever read. I didn't want to read it because I knew it was going to end up being sad. I love how this book took place from about 1990-2004. Grogan make pop culture references that i remember, which made this story all the more real for me.
Sin City: A Dame To Kill For
By Frank Miller

I haven't read any Sin City comics in years. This particular one was a scene for the movie that came out a few years back. The artwork of Sin City tells a story all by it's self. Combined this Frank Miller's noir style it makes for a great read. I'm so pleased that hollywood has finally started making movie with people who write comics, such as Frank Miller and Neil Gaiman.
No Country For Old Men
By Cormac McCarthy

I watched this movie six hours after I finished reading the book. I only noticed a few slight differences. Nothing so drastic that i was upset. This book is a page burner. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, not wanting to put the book down. If you love this movie read the book. If you haven't seen the movie read the book and then watch it, you won't be disappointed.