Monday, December 28, 2009
Xmas Drawing

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sexy Chili

Later I'll pop on of these bad boys on a can and take a photo of it for all to see.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Chinese Dragon Monster
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Zombie Gorillas 4

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Mean Marine Martian Monkey Murdering Machine Man
The Mean Marine is a comic/cartoon character created by Andy Sutton, Nick Link, and Charlie Alger in 2005. I posted this due to recent activity on my other blog Photoshop Battles.
If your already a fan of The Mean Marine check this out.
During the 1950's and 60's during the space race several countries sent monkeys into space. These monkeys were assumed lost in space. The truth is that these monkeys inhabited the subterranean caves of Mars. Here they evolved into super monkeys, waiting to enact their revenge on earth.
During World War 3 America's greatest hero The Mean Marine was ambushed and blown into pieces. After losing America's greatest hero The United States fell to foreign powers and was laid to waste for generations.
In the year 2 million the Martian Monkeys came back to earth, killing all in they're path. There were very few survivor, but among these few there was a scientist. This scientist invented a time machine before the monkeys attacked. He used this time machine to go back and get The Mean Marine. The only problem is he went to the wrong time and could only get The Mean Marines ravaged body.
The scientist brought The Mean Marine back to life, but without a cost. Some of his parts were missing so they were replaced. His legs now tank treads and his arms now guns The Mean Marine became the perfect monkey killing machine. Now The Mean Marine is man kinds only hope against these monkeys bent on world domination.
If your already a fan of The Mean Marine check this out.

Zombie Gorillas 3

Monday, November 9, 2009
Goose Monster
Today i was asked to do some very "poorly drawn" sketches of Goose Gossage as a monster.
So here I've rendered Goose as The Creature From The Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, and A Vampire. Notice the mustache on all of these. None of these will be used in the final product because they're "to good". They have to look like someone with no artistic talent drew them. Damn you art school!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Old Puppet Shows
These are from early 2005. Really there just annoying, but I found them and got a good laugh out of them so I figured I would put them on the internet.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Live Animation
This is from the live animation booth my company had set up at the Boards Summit earlier this week. I quickly edited this together with some Of Montreal to display on the internet. It's pretty funny.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Zombie Gorillas 1
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Animation Reel
This is a animation reel I recently cut together. My old reel was set up to (kinda) tell a story. Each cartoon was on for it's entirety. This is more of a traditional reel with some music and clips of animation. Theres nothing new on here, it's just a new cut.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Aaron Weber
Friday, October 9, 2009
Carey (Beauty Re-Touching)
My producer Carey needed a head shot for an upcoming event with Boards magazine. I took this photo using a Nikon D90.
Since this is for a commercial advertising event we wanted to make this photo really stick out. So I got out my Photoshop brushes and went to town. My only direction was to make her look pretty. Otherwise I could do whatever I wanted.
So here I made her stand out but making the background black & white and using filters made it look like a painting. I went in really close on her face and got rid of any blemishes or wrinkles. Basically just smoothed out her skin. I also whitened her eyes and made her pupils a more vibrant green. Lastly I added a vignette around her face, shoulders, & chest. So there it is, if you wanna make a plain photo spectacular just beat it up in Photoshop. Works every time.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
This is a short animation I helped James P.M. Lee create for his Nick Walks The Dinosaur comic.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Join The Archery Club
Friday, September 4, 2009
Bathroom Whiteboard
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tom Petty Lady

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Birthday Balloons
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Titanic 9-11
I recently started a blog called photoshop battles. The first challenge was to create an image with two news worthy events from history. I chose 9-11 & The Titanic. This is the image I created.
Normally I will try to avoid posting the same things here as I post there. This particular image is very interesting though. While creating it I turned off the layer that has The Hudson River and the NYC skyline. What I found was another interesting composition.
This one I feel is much more ominous and very surreal. Anyway I wanted to share.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
New Blog (Photoshop Battles)

I've started a new blog called Photoshop Battles. This blog has a weekly topic which people then make photoshop compositions and display them. Later we can review and critique each one. This is the header I designed for it. So check out the new blog and join in the fun if you want. We should have a topic up soon.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
So below when I say this was a quick sketch I mean it. I didn't look at it for several hours. Coming back to it I realize the right eye needs some work.
This is a quick sketch (about 15 minutes) I did based off Barack Obama's yearbook photo. It's pretty decent as far as quick sketches go. Although I am not including the original photograph here. So if you want to see how close I go to the original you'll have to search it out yourself. It's not hard to find. I also found G.W.'s yearbook photo so maybe I'll do one of him next.

Monday, July 27, 2009
NBP Photoshoping Series
It's a Monday and I'm bored at work. So I started photoshopping for fun. This first piece is copied from a Dr. Martins ad campaign in which dead rockers are wearing doc's in heaven. Here we have Joey Ramone (Seth Miller), Joe Strummer (George Frye), Kurt Cobain (Joe Stratton), & Sid Vicious (Mark Jaynes). Not Blood, Paint is in heaven.
Since they're all ghosts in the first image. I decided to make them ghostbusters in the second.
So if any of you out there have any ideas of what you would like to see NBP dressed up as next let me know and I'll give it my best shot.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Adam & Eve
I was sketching yesterday and decided I wanted to make something that looked like a comic book cover. I've been reading a lot of Batman and R. Crumb. This is inspired by Crumb for sure. I like the idea of a comic about sin, I mean nobody want good clean wholesome fun anymore. If this actually was a comic this would be the first issue. So I figured I would go with the original sin. I like how Adam and Eve look very frisky even though they haven't eaten the fruit yet.

As you may have guessed I am not a religious person, so this is all just satire to me. I wish instead of the rolling hills I would have made it look more like a garden, but oh well.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Another MJ Tribute
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Everyone Likes To Draw
If you've been reading my blog for 6 months or more you may remember the calender drawings I would post monthly.
Well this is no calender, but a dry erase board. I went to a housewarming party in Harlem. It just happened they had a dry erase board. Some random party goer and myself started drawing on the board. Before to long the entire party had drawn something. As you may remember for the calender posts I'm a sucker for these things. Luckily phones have cameras. So here's the collective artwork of 20 drunk kids in Harlem.

Friday, July 10, 2009
The King Of Pop
Friday, July 3, 2009
Ho-Made is on the web
I finally have a website actually uploaded to the internet. It's www.ho-maderecords.com. It's not quite finished but it's there. In time it will be a grand site. So check it out and tell me about it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ho-Made Records
So I recently got into building websites. My first successful site www.notboodpaint.com went online a few weeks back. It's not as grand as I would prefer because I didn't design it (George Frye designed it, I made it work.) Now that I know how websites are built I've started creating my own. Ho-Made Records is a recording/media company I started with Jake Perry in 2003. We've never had a website so I'm making it. It's basically an outlet for all our bands plus my art/photography/animation/films. Here are some pictures of the in progress website. It's supposed to look as it it was all created in a notebook.


I'll keep all you interested parties as to when Ho-Made Records goes live.


I'll keep all you interested parties as to when Ho-Made Records goes live.
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